Faculty Additional Employment
Faculty additional employment refers to any compensated appointment in addition to the faculty member's primary work appointment, creating a work “overload” or assigning work at times when work is not normally required. Some examples of additional employment appointments are:
- Summer, Winter, and Special Sessions teaching and non-instructional appointments
- Appointments that push total employment over 1.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) or Overload
- Foundation and Auxiliary Appointments (i.e., Tower, Research, Student Union)
Requests for appointments are made via procedures outlined in the Additional Employment Guide and web pages. These guidelines follow CSU Additional Employment Policy, (See CSU Coded Memorandum HR 2002-05 [pdf] and CSU Coded Memorandum HR/Salary 2015-22 [pdf]), and the faculty (Unit 3) collective bargaining agreement (CBA). If there are discrepancies between this document and those just listed, the HR memoranda and the CBA prevail.
These guidelines apply to all faculty at 菠菜网lol正规平台 or any of its authorized auxiliary organizations, and to any additional appointments compensated by the university, regardless of the source of funding. Affected employment includes appointments at any regular CSU program or auxiliary organization as well as appointments on more than one campus in the CSU. These guidelines also apply throughout the year whether during the regular semester or during summer or intersession, and during faculty duty days and non-duty days.
Additional employment in excess of full time, and most appointments for extra work do not affect university retirement credits or benefits payments—no benefits accrue—and it is not reported to CalPERS (HR-TL-SA2021-08 [pdf]).
Additional employment appointments are made using a different class code than the one faculty already occupy. Departments must have a position number associated with each class code. (To request new position numbers, visit the Position Management web page.) They must have an understanding of faculty base rates and dynamics of appointment timebases.
For questions concerning Additional Employment, please contact additionalemployment-faculty@zhenrenqi.com.